In your

What if your LIFE could really be how you would LOVE it to be? What if you could FEEL, dare to act, interact and Express yourself as the person you’ve always wanted to shine bright as
In order to Thrive, we must first acknowledge that we actually DESERVE it.

JOIN MY NEXT ”Journey to Freedom course ”


Are you unsure of what direction to choose? Do you feel like there’s something missing in your life? Are you worried about your health, relationships, financial state, do you want to  express yourself more freely?  Is your vision and sense of clarity, clouded by having stayed in the comfort zone for too long?

In order to extract the very best out of yourself and tapping into your authentic self, there is some re calibrating of your core belief systems necessary before that can flourish. And I believe the most important work we can do on ourselves is accepting all parts of ourselves and finally letting go of old stories and ideas that makes us feel unworthy. 

As we re establish our core beliefs, standards and values. Possibilities open, and daring to be our authentic selves happens naturally. When we finally find that courage, everything else falls into place; loving relationships, job offers we didn’t think we would be good enough for, healthier routines and a lifestyle that not only transforms our own lives in magical ways, but also inspires everyone around us to live up to their potential. 


Freedom is essentially what we all seek, LOVE , CONNECTION & BELONGING is at the Core of that wish. Join my next Journey to freedom course, and change the trajectory of your life forever.

Life Coaching



‘ Thank you so much, Anchelique, for a great life- transformational course! It exceeded my expectations as it gave me tools to cope with unexpected challenges and life circumstances that I still utilize. I loved how you structured each session and how you managed to direct us according to a planned structure, yet the flow of these sessions felt so natural. Thanks to you, I became aware of some of my behavioral patterns that do not serve me anymore. Additionally, I was able to dismiss these patterns the more I became aware of their root cause. Thank you so much! A COURSE FOR LIFE. ‘ Kat Hanna.

“Anchelique is a magnificent coach with so much knowledge of the human soul, intuition and intelligence to help anyone reach their goals. She facilitates a space of instant trust, confidentiality and I felt understood and supported. My blocks were quickly identified and she helped me go through past wounds, guiding me to a better version of myself with ease, grace and flow. Thank you, Anchelique!”

                                                                                                       – Juanka, Argentina

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